Thursday, February 7, 2008

Happy Chinese New Year!

A friend of mine who read this blog has just seen my latest post and commented: "Happy new year in February? You ought to have gone for Chinese New Year!"


Happy Chinese New Year!!!! Yay!

UPDATE: I've spoken to my friend again and they informed me that they actually don't know when Chinese New Year is, after checking we have determined that it is in fact today!

Talk about serendipity!

Happy new year.

So, happy new year! It's a little late, but better late than never, or something like that.

Anyway, no updates recently because nothing of note has happened, they took us back off phones because it was "Inefficient" so i have no fun customer stories, however in a month i move from my current area off to Debt collection, so we'll see what happens then. I'm bound to get a few fun customers in there.

In the meantime, we ran a cross an account today that was returning reads of 0 all the time. Someone had booked for an agent to go check the meter and return a report to us.

The report came back saying "Property has been demolished."

That's a pretty good reason for not using the gas...

We tried to get it fixed by calling Customer support to get the account shut down, they put us through to property movements, who put us through to property support. Who told us to call back when they were open and cut us off. This took 36 minutes.

So, anyone who gets stuck in a queue for a customer service agent...don't despair. It happens to us too.