Monday, November 19, 2007

It's not winter yet!

So, Sunday 18th of November....and the first snow of the year. I just want to know where our summer went!

Anyway, weather complaints said here's some more idiocy from work:

Mr Entitled wasn't satisfied when I said we'd get the start reading for his account re-agreed once we got a meter reading, which he was refusing to get himself. He demanded a manager call him back with details of what we were going to do for him. Ugh....

A customer and his wife had a five minute argument over where his glasses were.

Two more people couldn't understand that I needed to talk to the account holder because the law says I have to and not because I was being deliberately obtuse.

After introducing myself to a customer he went to get his meter read and I could clearly hear him say to someone else in the room "Some f***ing paki says I gotta read the meter" Unfortunately we get this far too often. For the record, I'm Caucasian, I was born in England and have lived all my life in Britain. My name is Hebrew which is why some people make assumptions. Some day we'll be able to press a "bigoted idiot" button on the phone and the customer's handset will blow up...

One customer gave me her telephone number instead of her postcode when I asked.

Another person demanded to know how I got their the heck am I supposed to answer that?

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