Saturday, April 26, 2008

The entitled.

Another Friday brain-melter.

I'll dispense with the preamble, it's not interesting, well not very often anyway.

"I got this threatening letter from you saying i needed to pay."

"Yes sir, the outstanding balance on your account has remained unpaid so we've begun taking steps to reclaim it."

"You can't go around sending threatening letters to people! What if i was ninety years old and i read this and had a heart attack?! Hmm?"

Yeah buddy, but you're not, and it's not that threatening, it was reminding you to pay, nothing more.

"Well sir we have very few complaints about our letters."

"I'm surprised, it's absolutely disgusting that you can send things like this to people. You'll kill someone!"

"Well sir, it is merely a reminder to pay, we fin..."

"It says you're taking me to court!"

"No sir, it says..." I retrieve my copy of the letter and read out verbatim "Should the debt remain unpaid we may take further steps to reclaim the amount outstanding including referring your account to debt collection agents who may obtain a court warrant to reclaim the funds." Personally i find that rather polite.

"My letter doesn't say that!" Yes it does buddy, I'm looking at the copy of it on my screen.

"I can assure you Si..."

"It's disgusting!" By now he's shouting, i can almost imagine the veins standing out in his neck and the droplets of spittle raining down on the receiver. "You can't treat us paying customers this way!"

Wait a minute...a fraction of a second lets me open up his account history...Bingo.

"Well sir, you haven't made a single payment since you took supply with us over a year and a half ago, I hardly think you can claim to be a paying customer."

Biiiiig pause.

"You're a stupid fucking bitch! Fuck you and your fucking company." He slams the phone down.

Dear me...

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